
Academic projects:

Project name: OPSEC, security culture and a case study of cybercriminal arrests(Masters thesis)(HR)

Class: Masters thesis
Project summary: NOT YET FINISHED.
Personal importance of the project: High

Project name: Pentesting with Kali Linux(Bachelor thesis)(HR)

Class: Bachelor thesis
Project summary: Kali linux overview. MAC filtering, IP filtering, WEP, WPA and WPA2 overview. WEP weaknesses. Macchanger. Aircrack. Basic SQL injection. Nmap and unicornscan scans. Basic websploit wireless atttacks. Wifi probing and WEP cracking. Wireless attack protection techniques as well as client PC and network protection.
Personal importance of the project: High

Project name: Wireless networking basics seminar(HR)

Class: Wireless networking basics
Project summary: The physical properties of various wireless signals, IEEE 802.11, how to properly cover a wide area with a network signal, as well as cover it with other network devices. Wireless network security.
Personal importance of the project: High

Project name: IPFS in a Windows Server environment


Class: Managing network services in MS OS
Project summary: Windows Server 2016, IPFS, how can IPFS be used in a business or datacenter environment, dokany.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: FUSE-IPFS and other services mounted on FUSE(HR)

Class: Advanced UNIX solutions
Project summary: How does FUSE work, how to mount IPFS via FUSE, virtualbox VM, SSHFS, FUSE-EXT.
Personal importance of the project: High

Project name: Digital transformation(HR)

Class: Strategic digital entrepreneurship
Project summary: What is the digital transformation, what is the 4th industrial revolution, how well is the general populace informed about those two?
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Project management and leadership(HR)

Class: Project management and leadership
Project summary: How to define the problem, who are the stakeholders, how to define the project. Project activities and elements.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: The cost effectiveness of investing into asset security(HR)

Class: Asset management
Project summary: Types of damage to businesses, security culture and computer security.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: The influence of Japanese pop culture on IT and Computer science(HR)

Class: Motivation and teamwork
Project summary: How does culture, subculture and pop culture affect the work environment and how can it be used for the businesses advantage.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: eReceipt(HR)

Class: Digital economy
Project summary: What is an eReceipt and how does it help to improve business processes.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Cyber security presentation(EN)

Class: Introduction to eBusiness
Project summary: Basic cyber security and cyber threats presentation.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: Engrish presentation(EN)

Class: English for IT
Project summary: A presentation that shows us one of the ways on how misscommunication can occur... and be hilarious.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name:Workplace ergonomy(HR)

Class: Introduction to the office environment
Project summary: Basic workplace ergonomics.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Open source office tools

Class: Table calculators
Project summary: An overview of LibreOffice, OpenOffice and Calligra Suite with their basic and more advanced functionality.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: Game and level design(EN)

Class: Seminar IT
Project summary: A presentation and seminar for designing video games, including different genres of videogames.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Man machine communication project.(EN)

Class: Man machine communication
Project summary: I have learned about practical applications of UX designs, with agent simulations and with industry specific applications.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Innovation and communication presentation (EN)

Class: English B2
Project summary: This presentation taught me the importance of communication when doing innovation.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Intercultural competence project (EN)

Class: Intercultural competence(EN)
Project summary: The process of adapting and communicating with foreign cultures as well as features of local cultures.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Attack on wireless networks

Class: Security and protection of information systems
Project summary: I have learned many things about wireless security with WEP, WPA and WPA2. I have also learned of a way on how to DDoS wireless networks and how to prevent such actions.
Personal importance of the project: High

Project name: Open source office tools and markup languages

Class: Text processing(HR)
Project summary: Open source office suites and markup languages. OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Calligra suite, Scribus, Emacs, Vi, Nano, Ed, HTML, CSS, XML, Europass.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: Satellite internet(unpublished paper)(EN)

Class: Mobile communications
Project summary: I have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of satellite internet as well as its viability and use cases.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: Game and level design seminar(en)

Class: Seminar informatik
Project summary: A seminar paper about the basics of video game design and level design.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Computer security(HR)

Class: E-business
Project summary: Types of malware and malicious attacks.
Personal importance of the project: Medium

Project name: Open source software(HR)

Class: Advanced e-Business
Project summary: Open source is defined and some example open source applications are showcased.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Soziales computing(DE)

Class: German B1.1
Project summary: Social computing, open knowledge, open source software, collaboration, hackerspaces.
Personal importance of the project: Low

Project name: Cybercrime(HR)

Class: Table calculators
Project summary: Types of cybercrime, cyber crime mitigation
Personal importance of the project: High